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June 12, 2024

Scale AI Funds $0.7M for WorkSafe AI, a $2.2M Project Led by OVA, Creators of StellarX

The project, in collaboration with ArcelorMittal and CDRIN, aims to enhance safety training in steel manufacturing using advanced AI technologies.

Montreal, QC, June 12, 2024. On Monday, it was announced at the Conference of Montreal that OVA, the creators of StellarX, have received $0.7M funding, Canada’s AI Supercluster, as part of a $2.2M total investment towards the WorkSafe AI project.

Led by OVA, a dynamic SME at the forefront of Spatial Computing and Artificial Intelligence technologies, the WorkSafe AI project is designed to enhance safety training in steel manufacturing operations using advanced AI technologies like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and Large Language Models (LLM). This initiative aims to reduce injuries through predictive risk assessment and immersive training scenarios, setting a new standard in industrial safety.

Harold Dumur, pictured right, announcing WorkSafe AI at Conference of Montreal

WorkSafe AI will be carried in collaboration with ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steel and mining company, as well as CDRIN (Center for Development And Research in Digital Intelligence), a research center advancing digital intelligence technologies through collaboration with academic, industry, and research partners.

Minister Champagne at Ottawa’s event for Scale AI funding recepients
Minister Champagne at Ottawa’s event for Scale AI funding recepients

OVA was honored to be invited to Ottawa, alongside their partners at ArcelorMittal, where they joined conversations aimed at providing the federal government advice on building an AI-powered economy. Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, took the floor in front of leaders from the Canadian AI ecosystem and other government members to announce this news as part of Scale AI’s $96M round in financing for 22 AI projects. This highlights the government’s support for innovation in AI and economic development, its commitment to fostering technological advancements, as well as its support of Canadian companies.

"At OVA, we're leveraging the transformative power of Spatial Computing and AI to redefine safety training in the steel industry. The collaborative project between ArcelorMittal and research partner CDRIN is setting a new benchmark in industrial safety practices."

Harold Dumur, Founder and CEO

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